Pubg pc spec
Pubg pc spec

With these settings, you're probably wondering what kind of framerates our modest system was able to produce. How The Game PerformsĪfter some careful thought and experimentation, these were our preferred graphics settings: If you want a closer look at what all these graphics settings do and how they affect games, check out our comprehensive explainer and our featured video series. And you’ll want to keep V-Sync off, unless you're getting unbearable screen tearing. Motion Blur creates a blur effect when moving the camera which adds a sense of speed, but this is mostly up to your preference. While it makes the game look better, I’d avoid it in this case since we prefer to keep our framerates higher. If it’s set above 100, the game will render a higher resolution image and downscale it to fit your display. It's simple enough, but we’d suggest at least "Medium" since "Low" is a very noticeable downgrade. The more, the better, but your system will take a performance hit when fire and explosions fill up the screen. “High” will add a sort of depth of field, and Very High will add dynamic lighting effects like bloom and god rays.Įffects determines the number of particles used to render visual effects like gunfire or explosions. “Low” will give you ambient occlusion, which is a notable visual improvement. Post-processing encompasses effects like ambient occlusion and dynamic lighting. It does not affect the distance at which player models appear. It’s key if you’re using high-powered scopes or trying to watch activity from a high vantage point. View Distance should be maxed out to help make sure you can see as many objects as possible off in the distance. You won’t gain an advantage by turning it down. It also doesn’t affect the distance at which grass pops up. Player shadows will not render at "Very Low" and "Low" settings.įoliage changes the detail of brush and grass, but it does not affect the amount that shows up in game. There isn’t much of a difference between “High” and “Ultra” visually. We recommend having some form of anti-aliasing, and we afforded to use the "High" setting. Turning this up will clean up the overall image, but you will take a sizable hit in framerate. PUBG does offer native 4K (3840x2160) support, but it's very demanding for our machine, and even some higher-end systems can have trouble with this game.Īnti-aliasing smooths out jagged edges around objects.

pubg pc spec

We'll walk you through some of the things we noticed with each graphics settings.įirst off, we're using 1920x1080 (1080p) for our resolution. And there are some important distinctions to be made as of these settings can significantly affect how the game is played.

pubg pc spec

PUBG has garnered plenty of PC newcomers and some may be new to these terms as well.

pubg pc spec

We’re given some straight-forward options, but the game doesn't explain what they do outright.

#Pubg pc spec drivers#

Future updates, patches, and drivers will continually change performance across different systems, and even add new graphical effects. You should keep in mind that PUBG is still an early access title. So, as we did with our feature and video on the Destiny 2 PC beta’s graphics and performance, we tested out what we could get out of a modest mid-range system. Of course, you would more power than that to get an ideal experience with this game.

pubg pc spec

  • GPU: Nvidia GTX 660 (2GB) or AMD Radeon HD 7850 (2GB).
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    Pubg pc spec